Monday 4 February 2013

Day 4 - Jumping through hoops

Day 4 is here and I am surviving. I am not completely successful because Saturday night I had caramel. I was depressed and sad, dealing with a break up of a four year relationship in which a child was produced can do that to you. However, I can say that the exercise regime is going well. The program I watch in the mornings doesnt show on Saturdays, neither can I get myself out of bed for 6am. So when I did wake up after 7, I took the laptop and my newly bought yoga mat to the verandah of my newly built house and I worked out. I did two twenty minute yoga videos, one for back pain and one weight loss. The one for back pain helped relaxed my back but later Saturday while out shopping with the bff the I got a terrible pain in my right leg, which is usually brought on by my Sciatica. It still persists and made aerobics this morning a challenge.

This morning aerobics was a lot of crunches and lunges and kicking, I stayed through the workout but had to take a lot of rests during the counting. At the end of the workout my skin was soaking and my muscles ached.

I ended off Saturday with too much black pudding and a little jerk chicken.

The menu for Saturday was my wholewheat burger bun with stripped jerk. Lunch was spanish rice and baked pork and a piece of corn on the cob. Saturday afternoon I had some more spanish rice and baked pork and then the caramels at night (not proud of this)

Sunday I didnt have breakfast because I was superbusy. I had hassau curry and rice for lunch and afternoon snack and toast bread with sardines in water for dinner.

This weekend I made cupcakes to practice my icing designs and instead of mulching them down, I decided to put them in the shop for sale: this was a success.

Today I had cereal and milk for breakfast (not the healthy type) and I had pumpkin with shrimp and rice for lunch. I brought cucumbers for snack and I hope I can slowly change my unheathly eating habits.

Tonight my friend and I are supposed to go join a gym, but not sure how that is going to work out for me, since I have to make something else to sell in the shop since the cupcakes was such a success.

Anyhow until then, wishing you good health.

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