Friday 1 February 2013

Day 1 - Operation Hawtness

This is probably the 50th time that I am starting a diet and exercise regime in the last fifteen years. Yes fifteen years. Why fifteen years? Because the last time I had a flat tummy and toned arms was fifteen years ago when I was fifteen.

Somewhere along the way I managed to move from a medium body size to overweight. In 2003 I weighed in excess of 200lbs and went on a diet and exercise that consitsted of skipping lunch, early dinners and walking two miles everyday. I lost forty something pounds and found a shape again. I regained some of my teenage confidence and life seemed to get better. Then, in 2004 I suffered my first major heart break which spiralled me into a severe depression and with it came binge eating and lack of exercise. In a year's time I was back to more than 200lbs. I continued my fight with this weight and my obsession with food over the years and 2010 when I found out I was pregnant after months of trying, I also found out that I had gestational diabetes. Will power is something I couldn't muster for years, but the thought of loosing the little one residing in my tummy, brought on will power stronger than anything I had ever felt. I fought every desire at unhealthy eating for the best part of nine months and when I gave birth to my baby girl I weight forty six pounds less than I had at my first weight in at 6 weeks pregnant. When I looked in the mirror I could hardly recognise myself.
However, to my detriment, three months of maternity leave, and two weeks of annual leave where I was neglected by the father of my child for the previous responsibilities of living with his mother who helped with his oldest child, all bundled on me and I gave in to my desire to eat. I would be up late at night while my baby slept, bored and lonely and would eat from sausage to caramel to ice cream to bottles of extra sweet lemonade and by the time my maternity leave was over I was again weighing in excess of 200lbs. I couldnt exercise right away, I couldnt even wear a belly band because I had had a Ceasarian Section. It became my excuse to get fat and fatter.

My lover never complained of my size but when he started pulling away I started blaming my weight, but still did nothing about it.
I went to an outdoor wedding and sat on the chair that was soon three inches in the mud and lower than the others because of my weight, I was embarrased and ashamed but still did nothing about it.
People starting calling me "auntie" people who seemed older than me, but I knew because of my size you couldnt tell my age, but yet I still did nothing about it.

Being overweight has a lot of bad to it. The embarrasement, the tiredness, the pain, all kinds of things you can't do anymore can all pile up on someone until they say "I have to do something about this."
 I think I am there. And this I hope will chronicle my journey to 120lbs.

Over the last few months I have been loosing weight, slowly, with no exercise. My schedule has been demanding and I have been carrying heavy bags on a regular basis so it helped my pants to get a little slacker.

Now I am hoping to kick it up a few notches.

First I will admit to my weaknesses and addictions which are as follows:

Late night eating: I have become accustomed to eating late at nights. Once I can't sleep I get the craving to go eat and it is never anything healthy, it ranges from sausages, cheese, chocolate, sweet biscuit, soda or lemonade. I need a lot of willpower to fight this. Last evening I resorted to a cup of warm detoxing tea with a little honey.

Sweet drink (as we call it in Guyana): I once was a girl who was never seen with a soda of any kind then I started getting the crap and now I am addicted. The sweet craving hits me and it is always around 6pm - 9pm and I know that beyond being an unhealthy craving is the fact that I crave it at the wrong time too.

Blackpudding (or blood pudding): I like this very much and even though my religion prohibits me from having the one made from the cow's blood and intestines I still give in. I love how it tastes and because I have to hide and eat it, I am often doing so in the middle of the night.

Those are my major weaknesses and addictions, outside of those I eat pretty healthy most of the time. But I know those are enough to keep this high belly from going down.

Now why am I calling this Operation Hawtness?
One of my best friends is getting married in August of this year and I have made that my target for loosing at least half of the target weight. She will also be joining me on the exercise regime as she seeks to loose her own weight for her wedding and it is her who has titled this "Operation Hawtness"

My day One Schedule

Day 1 started with half an hour of yoga in front of the living room television while my daughter whined and cried at the side because she wanted my attention instead of the crazy things she saw me doing on the floor.

Then I had for breakfast what I also had for lunch, a soya burger made from my own wholewheat burger buns and soya mince pattie. I had a cup of warm tea with breakfast with a little honey and a bottle of cold tea for lunch. For the next week I will be drinking the detoxing tea and then I will go back to the lipton green tea I was using before.

So as I begin this journey I intend to chronicle it as best as I can right here.

Thanks for reading
xoxo Anj

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